Sunday, June 20, 2010

Twinkle Update! Weekend of the wedding!

Ok, so on saturday, we woke up bright and early at 5 in the morning!

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Ali: Is this really necessary?

no it isn't.

Ali: Then WHY?

cuz I feel like it! and YOU'RE the one who went to bed early last night!

Then, when we were ready, we went to Carson's house!

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Carson: We're having a nice private wedding behind you're house mmkay?

Ali: yep!

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Carson: hehe. you're so cute!

Ali: nooooo. you are!

Then Ali had to go to work. and she got a promotion from Snack Hawker to Toddler Sports Coach.

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(lol! Leighton Sekemoto yawned at the same time as Ali!)

Maybe, you should have slept in longer.

Ali: Ya THINK?

On Sunday, we got ready in the morning and Ali got dressed and invited a formally dressed Carson over for the wedding!

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Both: What?


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Carson: hey, Ali, guess what!

Ali: what?

Carson: We're married!

Ali: yea...

Carson: I love you!

Ali: I love you more!


Both: GO AWAY!

sorry! but hey! someone has to comment.



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